The Emmy Award-winning Netflix Original documentary series “Our Planet” has been transformed into OUR PLANET LIVE IN CONCERT, a 60-city U.S. tour that will travel to First Interstate Center for the Arts in Spokane on Saturday, February 18, 2023. Presented by GEALive, Silverback Films and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), OUR PLANET LIVE IN CONCERT fuses breathtaking cinematography projected on a large HD screen with new orchestrations by Oscar-winning composer Steven Price (for the film “Gravity”) that are performed by a live 18-piece orchestra. Just like the Netflix series, the live show is narrated on screen by Sir David Attenborough, who has inspired millions by bringing the natural world to one’s living room.
From forests to high seas to frozen worlds and beyond, Netflix’s global phenomenon “Our Planet” features jaw-dropping imagery of the Earth’s most beautiful, intriguing and surprising wildlife. It inspires viewers to learn how climate change impacts all living creatures and what can be done about it.
Part of the proceeds of ticket sales from OUR PLANET LIVE IN CONCERT will be donated to WWF’s global conservation work.